TAC-1 is the perfect firearms and tactics trainer you've been searching for - taught by law enforcement experts to make you more proficient, safer, and to help improve your shooting to another level.


There are several different types of holsters to consider.  

IWB -  Inside the ​Waistband 

Dara Holsters and Gear

Dara Holsters and Gear is based out of Windell, North Carolina.  All of their holsters are American made. Their excellent product is matched with their great customer service.  But what makes Dara so much more desirable is their excellent price point.  For Inside the Waistband carry, we really recommend Dara's Minimalist AIWB Holster. The "A" is designated for Appendix carry position.  The quality and the thickness of their kydex is excellent which is fitted with high grade furniture such as their retention screws.  

Gun Retention - B+
Covers the trigger - A
Protect you and the gun - A
Concealability - A
Carrying comfort - A+ 
draw and re-holster - A+