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Pistol-I(a): Introduction to Defensive Handgun

$220.00 - $420.00

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This 8 hrs course will develop the students the basics of safety on and off the range, principles of personal defense, use of deadly force, combative mind-set, situation awareness, basic ballistics in handgun marksmanship through demonstration and practice.  Participants will learn the safe loading and unloading, chamber checking, drawing the firearm from the holster, a malfunction clearance, proper elements of marksmanship assessing and scanning.

Recommended Prerequisite: TAC-1 SAFE START or equivalent is highly recommended.  You must know the legal ramification for deadly force, nomenclature of the pistol and an understanding of cycle of operation of the pistol. You must be able to safely handle your pistol to begin in our Defensive Handgun series.

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Pistol-I(a) Options

5/25/24, Pistol-I(a) & (b) $20 Off

1 review for Pistol-I(a): Introduction to Defensive Handgun

  1. Lynn Coddington (verified owner)

    Could not have asked for a better experience. Shoji, is knowledgeable, extremely skilled, and is very deliberate in his presentation of the correct fundamentals. He is also a very good observer and coach to catch issues and help you correctly apply what you learn. I highly recommend the classes!
    Lynn C

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